
“A penny saved is a penny earned”

— Benjamin Franklin

The Origin Story

Miriam is a Business professor at Hebrew University, She is conducting a study on matching advisors to investors based on a form of questions including race, gender, and religion. To conduct this study, she wants to build a website where Financial advisors and investors can fill in a questionnaire and get seamlessly matched. Later she wants to record sessions between the investors and advisors to further her research. 


A financial advisor is a professional who provides guidance and advice to individuals, families, or businesses on various aspects of their financial affairs. They assist clients in making informed decisions about their money, investments, and overall financial well-being . When looking for the right advisor it can be tricky, you might have different requirements and it might not always be easy to know what you're looking for.


With Fineances, you can Avoid all that by being matched through a Questionnaire to the right advisor and vice versa. This can make for better communication, help the advisor better meet the investor’s goals, prepare for the unexpected and plan for the future with confidence.

Technical constraints

Working with Wix has its limitations. There needs to be online sessions conducted on the website that can be recorded and saved. I'm working with Wix and they don't offer services of this sort so I will try to do my research on how to make it possible. Second, Joining mid-project has its limitations where the research comes in during the design process. Last Creating an online questionnaire can be tricky. On the one hand, we want the user to complete the full questionnaire without getting lost/ frustrated. On the other hand, the questionnaire is long and needs to include so many aspects for the users to be matched seamlessly.

If you don’t believe that a penny save is a penny earned, then go ahead click away to see

Market Trends

If we look at all of the market trends as one we can see that it’s important to keep the user engaged, feel safe when using the site, and keep everything transparent.

Provisional Personas

Before doing further research on the matter, I created these three Personas to try and understand who I think the users are and the age range.I found that each persona, no matter the amount they know about investing wants to have someone on top of their investments so they don’t have to be. Each persona is investing for a different reason, but all are investing in their future.

competitive analysis

I realized that there are so many financial advisor websites. Each with its targeted audience and expertise. From this competitor analysis, I’ve learned that to make a good advisors site, it’s extremely important to give the user a feeling of safety. The website needs to be trustworthy and keep the user engaged.


I interviewed three users to understand what are their experiences with Financial advisors and their online presents.

The following are the findings,

Navigation is straightforward is key, well organized with a good filtering system.

To easily make appointments online is a nice have.

Transparent pricing information of the services.

Trustworthy with a feel of professionalism

UX Deliverable

Persona - Sitemap

This persona is a summary of all the previous research. As we see the average person using the site values transparency, and wants a well-organized website that is trustworthy and can provide her with all the financial services that she needs.


When creating this sitemap I kept the skeleton of the website simple that way once the user is done completing the long questionnaire the rest of the site can feel like a breeze.



UI Kit



High-fidelity UI design